Liza Laird
Aug 3, 2018
Are mistakes even real?
I was in yoga class the other day and we were playing around with this pose called Fallen Angel. It is an arm balance that starts in side...
Kate Madden
May 11, 2017
All About that 'Buch
I feel like I'm always trying new things to enhance my overall health, like buying that magnifying lamp for when I am knitting on the...
Kate Madden
Apr 17, 2017
6 easy tips for pain-free knitting
Knitting as much as I do can cause pain and inflammation from all the repetitive movements. Compound that with all those chaturangas I'm...
Kate Madden
Sep 25, 2016
5 easy steps to naturally beautiful hair
Just think of how much time you would save throughout your life if you only washed, dried and styled your hair once a week. Imagine all...
Aug 31, 2016
Stretch it Out
As knitters, we understand the importance of keeping our hands healthy so we can knit non-stop. When a tiny pain pops up we make sure to...
Liza Laird
Feb 13, 2016
No matter if you are spending hours at your computer or clicking away with your knitting needles taking mini-breaks are important to keep...